Sunday, October 27, 2013

warm up and test test...

Testing out different color style.. need alot of practice.. /___\

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Comic Fiesta Stuff

My version of the Comic Fiesta mascots and Culture Japan's Mirai with RPG theme for this year (From screen left -> right):

Michael - Villain with a Scythe
Tea - Archer
Coffy - Warrior
Mirai Suenaga - Swordsman
Mi - Flutist magician
YinYong - Dark Mage

So much to learn about character design. Q-Q

2012 character lineup. Theme was "Surviving Apocalypse". From left to right; Michael, Tea, Coffy, Mirai (Culture Japan's Mascot) and YinYong.

 2012 Stage Backdrop, idea by Nerv. Failed at creating the depth illusion.. :(

2012 character artwork for Ticketing Queue Signage.